In the Sounds and Seas is a 168 page wordless graphic novel about obsessive creative production and what happens when that fails. Originally self published in three volumes and celebrated as a Notable Comic in Best American Comics, this Xeric Award winning epic was collected by One Peace Books in 2016.
"Galloway's first graphic novel is a wordless but entirely immersive story ... Gorgeously executed in black and white, repeated patterns of leaves, wings, braids, and winds embellish a world that's both strange and familiar. In a dense forest, three women sing life into being: streams of birds, fish and rabbits flow from their throats. These rivers of creatures weave together and transform, Escher-like, into the endless waves of the ocean. On the shore of this fantastic sea a young woman with long dark hair is plagued by unspoken yearnings. She and two friends make preparations for a lengthy journey. They build and supply a tall ship before setting out to sea. The ship's lines are intertwined into hair of the young woman, literally binding her to a voyage full of beauty and terrible sorrow. Divided into six equal chapters, this story contains unexpected visual twists that use a wide range of page layouts to their fullest extent. The dialogue of the friends is represented by empty speech bubbles that still manage to convey a complex and emotional narrative." PW